In the News
The American Triumvirate
Americans caught up in the radicalization of their country have found its transition to a banana republic to be a heart-breaking journey of toil and pain with no exit. To reach this point in history in which the disturbed and felons run free, and responsible and honorable citizens live in fear took time, it required years of planning to achieve by three once-respected groups who methodically are revising history. For More
The Invisible Villain
Curbing the heavy drug demand among the young by closing the supply lane (open borders), ending the glamourization of highs (by Hollywood or the media), or heavily punishing dealers won’t magically end the drug problem.
To reduce it significantly, the root cause for the demand must be eliminated. Responsible for the demand, innocently or knowingly, are a group of invisible villains. Because they are removed from the street activity without any traceable link to it, these villains known collectively as the American School Teacher are free to operate shamelessly with immunity without guilt. For More
To reduce it significantly, the root cause for the demand must be eliminated. Responsible for the demand, innocently or knowingly, are a group of invisible villains. Because they are removed from the street activity without any traceable link to it, these villains known collectively as the American School Teacher are free to operate shamelessly with immunity without guilt. For More
Defeating the Education Mafia
The average student reminds us daily of the failures of the educational system. Many of them because of academic neglect become functional illiterates, dropouts, and even angry young men and women who have learned nothing of value during their school years.
Those in doubt should wander into the “better” schools where our privileged youth escape academic boredom with drugs; converse with high school and college students on important subjects and listen to them utter nonsense which they are incapable of defending rationally; observe their activities and how they are being conditioned to measure their self-worth with destructive acts to gain peer acceptance; familiarize yourself with what they enjoy and whom they idolize; and finally, study the syllabi and then ask educators how they justify the nonsensical content. When you have done that, and you remind yourself that everyone in the country has been shaped by our schools for twelve, sixteen, eighteen and even twenty years, you will understand how significantly the educational establishment has failed. For More
Those in doubt should wander into the “better” schools where our privileged youth escape academic boredom with drugs; converse with high school and college students on important subjects and listen to them utter nonsense which they are incapable of defending rationally; observe their activities and how they are being conditioned to measure their self-worth with destructive acts to gain peer acceptance; familiarize yourself with what they enjoy and whom they idolize; and finally, study the syllabi and then ask educators how they justify the nonsensical content. When you have done that, and you remind yourself that everyone in the country has been shaped by our schools for twelve, sixteen, eighteen and even twenty years, you will understand how significantly the educational establishment has failed. For More
- On target Spectrum Magazine, Lake Forest College Funny, raccy and frightening Dwayne Day, WWWV-Radio, Charlottesville Wonderfully humorous Mike Bowler, The Baltimore Sun Twistedly comic Sam Weller, New City, Chicago
- The book is filled with impressive scholarship and memorable characters. Anahit Khosroeva, PhD National Academy of Sciences of Armenia A consistently compelling novel by an author who has taken serious effort to get background details correct ...a simply riveting read from cover to cover.The Midwest Book Review
Reading The Infidels is like entering a time machine and watching a rerun of today's Middle Eastern news. Rochel Sylvetsky, Editor Israel National News - The food writer has sought out the best cooking schools across America and profiled chefs, the cost, the accommodation, plus a few delicious recipes. Christian Science Monitor
Warning: this book is best perused after a meal. travelgirl magazine
Joe David explains everything. We found out exactly what we could expect at the culinary schools and the profiles of the chefs.USA Travel Magazine - Controversial Jim Simon, KSFO San Francisco Hard-hitting Robert Kindall, Hispanic TImes ScathingJoan Hamburg, WOR-New York Insightful William P Schaefer, American University