The Invisible Villain
by Joe David
Reducing the use of recreational drugs among American youth is less complicated than most people think. Simply stated, it only requires focusing on one group, which I prefer to call the invisible villain.
While everyone blames the drug problem on open borders, glamourizing drug use, and insufficient punishment for drug dealers and criminals, they ignore a major contributor that preys on the young with immunity and prepares them for a life of disappointments.
Hidden from the “glamorous” world of drugs, these untouchables, protected by their “respectability,” are doing their job silently (and in some cases, even innocently) to encourage drug use. For most Americans, it is difficult to connect them to the problem because they are removed from the street activity and reveal no traceable link to it.
You may ask, and rightly, who are these “respectable” villains and how do they operate?
These villains are a group of well-educated, soft-spoken promoters of corroded ideas who are known generally as the American school teacher.
As a group, they have done more damage to the country than any foreign enemy could achieve. Many of them are knowingly disgracing themselves by justifying their actions ideologically. More corrupt than the liberal government (which finances them), they approach their profession with a sadistic desire to strip students of moral resistance and replace the resistance with an appetite for the forbidden. In their bag of tricks to assist them, they have lesson plans designed to dumb students down, pump helium into their empty heads, and titillate them with ideas intellectually irresponsible.
Although their efforts to turn gifted minds into waste receptacles seem innocent enough on the surface, they cease to be innocent when you give attention to the results of their teaching. Wrong ideas placed into susceptible heads can be deadly when repeatedly reinforced. During my school days years ago when life was relative sane, the educator operated more subtly than today. Here are some examples:
I remember a philosophy professor who promised to teach me profundities, but instead who undercut clear thinking with his sleazy philosophy of relativity; a literature professor who exposed me to numerous writers without making any effort to distinguish among them objectively for quality in thought or content; a psychology professor who systematically thwarted any mature observation of human behavior with contradicting Freudian cliches; a sociology professor who graded me by some vague, subjective method whenever I dared to think differently than he desired, regardless of how sensibly; and a journalism professor who insisted that I master footnotes (yes, footnotes) to significant historical moments without connecting the footnotes for me to some important concept and truth in history.
(In the 1990s, to expose some of this nonsense, I wrote two articles [available at] that explain how teachers ought to teach history and literature. Parents and educators who read the two articles will find it helpful at spotting the charlatans.)
Fortunately, fine educators do exist, and some might even be found hidden in public schools. Unfortunately, as they are uncovered by the education establishment (even in our esteemed prep schools and Ivy League Colleges), many of them today are being removed for not being “woke” enough. Today the rats are no longer hidden behind the woodwork, plotting their schemes; instead, they are everywhere spreading a plague that will kill off healthy mental development among students. Gone are the days of honest teaching where students are taught the Three Rs and are introduced to great thinkers by knowledgeable and skillful educators.
Emerging in their place is a new brand of teachers who are boldly instructing the young on such unacceptable subjects as Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and Critical Race Theory (both education constructs designed to create racial discord and preferential social treatment), and LGBTQ and especially Transgenderism education (the glorification of deviant sexual behavior and physical modification among vulnerable youth). Parents who catch on to what is happening and who protest are treated like criminals or terrorists or conspiracy theorists (as their children crash in alleys from drug overdose or burn down the cities in their mental haze, often with a learned political intent).
When parents catch on to the cause-effect for such behavior and they gang up on teachers with their damning evidence, the education establishment responds by changing the names of their programs to something euphemistically acceptable; then, when all the dust kicked up settles, they resume with their practice of spreading trash uninterrupted until they are halted again.
If you have any doubts about how their teaching impacts students, you should listen to the average student speak. Many of them speak with arrogant authority and no depth of knowledge. They gush with an endless flow of facts disconnected from any intelligently identifiable truth (premise). To someone intact, they are babbling idiots who can sound off on any subject, but who can’t defend their point of view convincingly. In a search for the attributable cause of such mindless babbling, a parent may want to examine what their child enjoys. If the results are linked to what he is being taught in school, it may be time to talk to his teachers on the subject. However, beware, if you do, in all probability, you will be blasted with a litany of nonsense.
But you mustn’t stop there in your search for evidence. If you are really serious, you must probe deeper. Review the volumes of nonsense students must master, the irrationalities that clever writers adroitly insert into their lessons to lead students to their intellectual graveyards; acquaint yourself with the “profound” ideas voiced by popular anarchists who are presented to students as noble “freedom” fighters; and, by all means, observe the academic routine – the busy-work, the contradictory curricula content, and the revisionism in history, designed to confuse and deaden healthy minds from grasping truth (the big picture).
Being educated nowadays at best is being taught to memorize names, dates, and events, disconnected from important and substantive ideas that may lead to a clearer understanding of the subject. The reason: schools are a make-believe world, designed by the education establishment to introduce perversion as the norm, and reality as a mental disease.
The accumulated result of such teaching is a graduate or dropout who is buried in a mental fog inhabited by faulty ideas which he can’t escape (or sort). As a result, to survive, many attempt to lift their fog of ignorance and confusion with drugs.
REMEMBER: A healthy mind taught to think clearly can be a powerful and useful tool. When rigorously trained, it will reject faulty reasoning and seek only lucid answers to pestering and deeply important concerns. Minds like that among its leaders and citizens are the minds that a civilized society needs to develop. Such minds are the minds of men and women who can change the world for the better when freed to function.
Parents who object to teachers that abandon hard subjects to indoctrinate students with their voodoo for twelve, sixteen, and even twenty years understand that unhealthy ideas can destroy a student. They also recognize how important it is to shield vulnerable students from devious teachers before they can lay their students to waste. If we wait too long to interrupt a teacher’s misdeeds, it may be too late to resuscitate the victims.
Never, never forget: a mind that is trained to think deeply and clearly and that has collected enough sound knowledge to function smoothly is not a mind that seeks recreational drugs. Anyone who thinks differently must be opposed, especially teachers, and removed from any position in education; the others, the decent and gifted educators, must be suitably rewarded. They are a student’s primary hope for a better tomorrow and our hope for a better and wiser America.
While everyone blames the drug problem on open borders, glamourizing drug use, and insufficient punishment for drug dealers and criminals, they ignore a major contributor that preys on the young with immunity and prepares them for a life of disappointments.
Hidden from the “glamorous” world of drugs, these untouchables, protected by their “respectability,” are doing their job silently (and in some cases, even innocently) to encourage drug use. For most Americans, it is difficult to connect them to the problem because they are removed from the street activity and reveal no traceable link to it.
You may ask, and rightly, who are these “respectable” villains and how do they operate?
These villains are a group of well-educated, soft-spoken promoters of corroded ideas who are known generally as the American school teacher.
As a group, they have done more damage to the country than any foreign enemy could achieve. Many of them are knowingly disgracing themselves by justifying their actions ideologically. More corrupt than the liberal government (which finances them), they approach their profession with a sadistic desire to strip students of moral resistance and replace the resistance with an appetite for the forbidden. In their bag of tricks to assist them, they have lesson plans designed to dumb students down, pump helium into their empty heads, and titillate them with ideas intellectually irresponsible.
Although their efforts to turn gifted minds into waste receptacles seem innocent enough on the surface, they cease to be innocent when you give attention to the results of their teaching. Wrong ideas placed into susceptible heads can be deadly when repeatedly reinforced. During my school days years ago when life was relative sane, the educator operated more subtly than today. Here are some examples:
I remember a philosophy professor who promised to teach me profundities, but instead who undercut clear thinking with his sleazy philosophy of relativity; a literature professor who exposed me to numerous writers without making any effort to distinguish among them objectively for quality in thought or content; a psychology professor who systematically thwarted any mature observation of human behavior with contradicting Freudian cliches; a sociology professor who graded me by some vague, subjective method whenever I dared to think differently than he desired, regardless of how sensibly; and a journalism professor who insisted that I master footnotes (yes, footnotes) to significant historical moments without connecting the footnotes for me to some important concept and truth in history.
(In the 1990s, to expose some of this nonsense, I wrote two articles [available at] that explain how teachers ought to teach history and literature. Parents and educators who read the two articles will find it helpful at spotting the charlatans.)
Fortunately, fine educators do exist, and some might even be found hidden in public schools. Unfortunately, as they are uncovered by the education establishment (even in our esteemed prep schools and Ivy League Colleges), many of them today are being removed for not being “woke” enough. Today the rats are no longer hidden behind the woodwork, plotting their schemes; instead, they are everywhere spreading a plague that will kill off healthy mental development among students. Gone are the days of honest teaching where students are taught the Three Rs and are introduced to great thinkers by knowledgeable and skillful educators.
Emerging in their place is a new brand of teachers who are boldly instructing the young on such unacceptable subjects as Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and Critical Race Theory (both education constructs designed to create racial discord and preferential social treatment), and LGBTQ and especially Transgenderism education (the glorification of deviant sexual behavior and physical modification among vulnerable youth). Parents who catch on to what is happening and who protest are treated like criminals or terrorists or conspiracy theorists (as their children crash in alleys from drug overdose or burn down the cities in their mental haze, often with a learned political intent).
When parents catch on to the cause-effect for such behavior and they gang up on teachers with their damning evidence, the education establishment responds by changing the names of their programs to something euphemistically acceptable; then, when all the dust kicked up settles, they resume with their practice of spreading trash uninterrupted until they are halted again.
If you have any doubts about how their teaching impacts students, you should listen to the average student speak. Many of them speak with arrogant authority and no depth of knowledge. They gush with an endless flow of facts disconnected from any intelligently identifiable truth (premise). To someone intact, they are babbling idiots who can sound off on any subject, but who can’t defend their point of view convincingly. In a search for the attributable cause of such mindless babbling, a parent may want to examine what their child enjoys. If the results are linked to what he is being taught in school, it may be time to talk to his teachers on the subject. However, beware, if you do, in all probability, you will be blasted with a litany of nonsense.
But you mustn’t stop there in your search for evidence. If you are really serious, you must probe deeper. Review the volumes of nonsense students must master, the irrationalities that clever writers adroitly insert into their lessons to lead students to their intellectual graveyards; acquaint yourself with the “profound” ideas voiced by popular anarchists who are presented to students as noble “freedom” fighters; and, by all means, observe the academic routine – the busy-work, the contradictory curricula content, and the revisionism in history, designed to confuse and deaden healthy minds from grasping truth (the big picture).
Being educated nowadays at best is being taught to memorize names, dates, and events, disconnected from important and substantive ideas that may lead to a clearer understanding of the subject. The reason: schools are a make-believe world, designed by the education establishment to introduce perversion as the norm, and reality as a mental disease.
The accumulated result of such teaching is a graduate or dropout who is buried in a mental fog inhabited by faulty ideas which he can’t escape (or sort). As a result, to survive, many attempt to lift their fog of ignorance and confusion with drugs.
REMEMBER: A healthy mind taught to think clearly can be a powerful and useful tool. When rigorously trained, it will reject faulty reasoning and seek only lucid answers to pestering and deeply important concerns. Minds like that among its leaders and citizens are the minds that a civilized society needs to develop. Such minds are the minds of men and women who can change the world for the better when freed to function.
Parents who object to teachers that abandon hard subjects to indoctrinate students with their voodoo for twelve, sixteen, and even twenty years understand that unhealthy ideas can destroy a student. They also recognize how important it is to shield vulnerable students from devious teachers before they can lay their students to waste. If we wait too long to interrupt a teacher’s misdeeds, it may be too late to resuscitate the victims.
Never, never forget: a mind that is trained to think deeply and clearly and that has collected enough sound knowledge to function smoothly is not a mind that seeks recreational drugs. Anyone who thinks differently must be opposed, especially teachers, and removed from any position in education; the others, the decent and gifted educators, must be suitably rewarded. They are a student’s primary hope for a better tomorrow and our hope for a better and wiser America.
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