Teacher of the Year by Joe David
Precocious teenager offers freshSpin to Hamlet’s soliloquy
WASHINGTON, DC – Horace Mann High School Senior Roger Murphy was praised by National Government Radio listeners yesterday for his insightful comment to a 14-year-old caller who expressed concern about her married boyfriend’s aggressiveness.
"As the old Dane would say, life’s too short to worry if it’s to be or not to be," Murphy said. "Just get a hot video, pop a few pills and go with the flow."
Roger Murphy received public attention last week after the First Lady Elizabeth Jones told re-orters how impressed she was with the precocious teenager’s outstanding interpretation of Hamlet. During an hour long interview on the Kathy Perkin’s NGR Radio Show, he demonstrated to Kathy’s national listeners that the First Lady was right. Serious learning does occur in the public schools.
Murphy who hopes one day to be a teacher and follow in the footsteps of his favorite teacher, Frank Hamme, is presently earning money for college by selling vitamins and producing adult quality art film for the Internet.
The young high school student is a fictitious characters in Joe David’s outrageously funny book and play, Teacher of the Year. Reviewers have referred to the book, from which the play is adapted, as “unique fun, startling” (Jennifer Stephens, WXCD-FM); “a good read” (Bob Madigan, WTOP-Washington); “a madcap, often twistedly comic satire” (Sam Weller, New City Newspaper, Chicago); and “wonderfully humorous...with serious messages about teaching and education” (Mike Bowler, Baltimore Sun).